Learn More About Save Our Claremont

Save Our Claremont is a non-profit organization formed by community members to preserve and enhance the venerable Claremont Hotel in a safe, sustainable and beneficial manner. Working together with hotel owners, elected officials of Oakland and Berkeley, and other neighborhood groups, we seek the best path forward for this irreplaceable and beloved East Bay landmark. Save Our Claremont formed in response to previous owners’ development plans that were considered unsafe by many in the community (see Learn More-Hotel History and Hotel Development History). We represent over 640 community members.

The hotel, built in 1915 on 22 acres, is recognized by local, state, and national bodies as worthy of full protection. It is a City of Oakland landmark, on the California Registry of Historical Resources, and nominated for the National Register of Historic Places. The building, Club and Spa, and grounds command stunning views of the Bay and San Francisco, but also pose risks. The location, atop the Hayward Fault, is in a very high severity fire zone that backs onto an extensive fire-prone Eucalyptus grove and is surrounded by historic homes. In the 1991 firestorm, many lost their homes above the Claremont Hotel, escaping only with their lives. More than 3,000 homes burned and 25 people perished. The hotel survived only due to a shift in the winds; had it ignited immense swaths of North Oakland and Berkeley would have burned. We seek a sensible, safe, beautiful, and livable future for the neighborhood and the hotel. We invite you to join our mailing list and volunteer or donate to our organization.